24.03.2024 13:05
Departure from outward office of exchange
21.03.2024 21:40
Item arrived
NEW YORK, NY, 11430
19.03.2024 06:15
Pre-declaration of the item has been received by customs
16.03.2024 14:50
Package Received
13.03.2024 23:25
Out for Delivery, Expected Delivery by 9:00pm
city mail facility team, city
11.03.2024 08:00
The shipment has been processed in the parcel center of origin
08.03.2024 16:35
Votre colis est dans le site de livraison qui dessert votre adresse. Nous le pr�parons pour le mettre en livraison
06.03.2024 01:10
Item Booked
Shanghai Wanggang mail processing center, Shanghai city
03.03.2024 09:45
Outbound in sorting center
United States, United States
29.02.2024 18:20
Arrived at Facility
Flight - LH1410 (FRA to BEG )
27.02.2024 02:55
En ruta a localidad de destino. su env�o est� en uno de nuestro veh�culossiendo transportado a la localidad de destino. lo recibir� en la fecha de entrega prevista
FL, MIAMI, 33198
24.02.2024 11:30
Item Presented to Customs
LIZELLA, GA, 31052
21.02.2024 20:05
Item received
Lincoln DO
19.02.2024 04:40
Item received
16.02.2024 13:15
Accepted by carrier
13.02.2024 21:50
Arrived at [Zhengzhou international mail exchange station] (transit)
Fujian province Chengxi international operational department, Fuzhou
11.02.2024 06:25
Departed Facility In processing center
Shenzhen International Mail Processing Center, Shenzhen city
08.02.2024 15:00
Item Returned from Customs
MAGNA UT 84044, MAGNA UT 84044
Tracking numbers examples: